Three Misconceptions About Colon Hydrotherapy

Three Misconceptions About Colon Hydrotherapy

Have you thought about a getting a colonic but heard some negative information about it? As both a Colon Hydrotherapist and a client, I have heard many people express the following concerns over the past 25 years: What is the recovery process? Will this process wash...
Natural Detoxification as Nature Intended

Natural Detoxification as Nature Intended

Have you considered cleaning you body to optimize your health? It can be very confusing out there with all the products, supplements, programs, both medical and alternative. How do you know what is best? I have always benefited from the belief system that the body is...
6 Great Reasons to Get a Colonic

6 Great Reasons to Get a Colonic

Seasonal Colon Cleansing with Colon Hydrotherapy As the seasons change, our physical bodies go through changes and could use our attention and some simple steps. Cleansing the colon with a colonic can help clear the past and help us come more current with the present....
Considering a Juice Cleanse?

Considering a Juice Cleanse?

So it’s 2024 and we are juicing!  I love it!    But please don’t forget the most important part of the cleanse is the ELIMINATION .   The juice does an amazing job of awakening stored toxins and waste in the system and beautifully prepares the colon to...
Keeping Healthy this Winter Season

Keeping Healthy this Winter Season

Feeling the contraction of the winter season approaching? There is no better time to start preparing. As the colder temperatures approach our physical body begins what known as “cell contraction”. What that means is our cells actually begin to contract...